TIRP low-cost therapy
TIRP low-cost therapy
Student Therapists
Student Therapists
- TIRP student therapists are bound by explicit, established principles of ethical professional practice
- TIRP student therapists have regular supervision with a TIRP faculty member
- Your student therapist will protect your name and all identifying information, respecting your right to confidentiality
- Your student therapist remains available at $40 per session until they become a senior student
- You may continue therapy after your student therapist becomes a senior student or graduates, but then protocols for senior student / graduate therapists apply
- Please note that Students and Senior Students are limited to working with clients residing in Ontario, whereas Graduates are eligible to work with clients residing elsewhere in Canada.
The following TIRP students offer therapy for a fee of $40 per session.
You may contact these student therapists directly with a brief phone or email message. Please indicate that you found the therapist's name on this site and that you are looking for low-cost individual therapy with a TIRP student for a $40 fee. If you phone and leave a message, please speak your name and contact information twice, clearly. The therapist will return your call or email, respecting your privacy in any way you request.
Please note:
Therapists are unlikely to respond to emails addressed to more than one person at a time, whether directly or using bcc.
Therapists who are listed as currently full are unlikely to respond to requests for contact.
COVID-19 Update:
Many of our therapists are offering phone and online sessions during this public health crisis. Please connect with them directly for details.
James Gangl (he/him)
Online - 50 minute sessions
Available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday | Days & Evenings
email: jamesgangltherapy@gmail.com website: jamesgangltherapy.com
See my Psychology Today profile HERE
​Kavita Joshi (they/them)
Toronto - Downtown: online sessions and in-person
Available Weekdays and some evenings
Website: Kavita Joshi website phone: 437-747-6653
Terri Marks
Currently offering online and in-person sessions
Available most evenings and weekends
Email: terri@relationalhealing.ca web: relationalhealing.ca
Monika Mehan
Offering in-person (Yonge & St. Clair) and online sessions
Email: monikamehantherapy@gmail.com web: http://tinyurl.com/MonikaMehanTherapy
Kaushiki Rao (she/her)
Currently offering in person sessions
Available on Fridays
email: kaushikiraotherapy@gmail.com
A profile can be found here.
Simal Saujani (he/him)
Sessions in person and online
phone: 647-905-9399
email: simaltherapy@gmail.com
Profile on psychology today: here
Zach Templeman
Online sessions
Available Sundays 3pm-6pm and Tuesdays 10am-1pm
Email: ZacharyTemplemanTherapy@gmail.com
Website: https://zacharytemplemantherapy.squarespace.com